More and more people are choosing to lease their vehicles. This is fine until you come to hand back your lease vehicle and the company inspects it. Many leased vehicles have strict rules and you are responsible for returning the vehicle in the condition your lease agreement states.

Our Mobile Lease Return Alloy Repair
Many agreements will pass the full costs of any remedial work needed on return; if you are lucky you may only have certain excess amounts – but these can still stretch far in to the hundreds of pounds!
Save yourself from any unwanted bills by taking advantage of our alloy wheel repair and refurbishment services prior to your lease return. Our professional services can help avoid these costly bills that could be coming your way…

Lease Return Alloy Refurbishment
Repair Your Kerbed Alloy Wheel(s)
Sweet Alloys can professionally and conveniently repair and refurbish your kerb damaged alloy wheels. We fully prep and repair the kerbing, before undertaking a 3 step painting process to return your alloy wheel to an “as new” condition and standard.